The travel and tourism sector, while offering exciting opportunities for adventure, is also a hotbed for online scams that can severely impact consumers. Learn about the dangers faced by consumers and how to protect them with online brand protection.
Counterfeit products and unauthorised sales will continue to challenge the home and garden industry. But by taking proactive measures, brands can protect their reputation, revenue, and customers. Find out how.
#dupe: a hashtag, a movement. Dupe culture is here, flooding online platforms with affordable alternatives and challenging traditional brand values. What are the implications for businesses, and how can they adapt to this new era of replicas?
Every company, particularly a startup, needs a competitive advantage. Knowing how to protect your brand online can ensure a more prosperous future. Here are 5 reasons why you should prioritise protecting, managing and enforcing your IP rights.
Fashion brands invest heavily in building their reputation and growing consumer trust. However, these efforts are being undermined by counterfeit products, trademark infringement, and copyright violations: all of which can damage a brand’s reputation and financial bottom line.
From global industry leaders to growing startups, our clients rely on us to safeguard their intellectual property from online threats. Here’s to the power of strong partnerships, unwavering commitment, and the kind of service that makes a real difference.