How Logo Detection Can Transform Your Online Brand Protection

Logo Detection Software - SnapDragon Monitoring

How Logo Detection Can Transform Your Online Brand Protection

When it comes to logo detection and your brand, digital assets such as the logo(s) you own form a key part of your corporate identity, intellectual property portfolio and brand protection strategy. From unique colour combinations to innovative shapes, styles and motifs, a recognisable logo helps you stand out from the crowd and, if protected, is worth its weight in gold – making logo detection a top priority to protect your brand’s online presence.

The argument for proactive measures is clear, but how does logo detection work? Unlike word or combined trademarks, which can be identified via search engines, finding where your logos are used and abused has remained relatively elusive online until now. Fortunately, there is help at hand to counter online threats and protect customer trust – thanks to our market-leading AI tool.

What is SnapDragon Logo Detection?

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Developed in conjunction with our Swoop software, our powerful AI scans every listing Swoop identifies for your brand or product against your selected logo(s), intelligently analysing each result to find and rank instances where your logo may be infringed. What’s more, this intelligent capability also accounts for ‘imperfect’ matches, such as where a logo may be flipped or distorted – this continuous monitoring ensures suspect logo infringements of all kinds are captured and reviewed

Why Logo Detection?

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While our standard Swoop monitoring already identifies a wealth of intellectual property infringements, including logos, thanks to our logo detection software we can identify and prioritise suspect trademark listings which may not include your brand terms. This protection solution can be especially invaluable when capturing more insidious infringements of logos and 3D trademarks – particularly cases where the infringer has intentionally excluded the brand name in their description or branding to evade detection on online marketplaces. In our experience, such abuse can disproportionately impact industries where distinctive trademark shapes or designs, such as beauty, are intrinsic to the product itself.

Logo Detection Software on Perfume - SnapDragon Monitoring

To elaborate further, take perfume bottles for example. In many cases, while the bottle design may be instantly recognisable to the average consumer, the brand name isn’t featured and is often registered as a separate word trademark. By monitoring bottle logos specifically, our logo detection software ensures that logo-only trademark infringements are not overlooked – providing an additional layer of brand protection and effectiveness in identifying counterfeit listings or online scams. For industries like beauty in particular, where safety is paramount above all else, this means no stone is left unturned when it comes to monitoring your intellectual property on a variety of digital channels, including social media platforms, making our logo detection software an invaluable tool in your brand protection arsenal.

What Action Can I Take If I Discover a Logo Infringement?

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If you discover that your logo has been infringed upon, there are several actions you can take to protect your brand. Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Send a cease and desist letter: The first step in addressing a logo infringement is to send a cease and desist letter to the party using your logo without permission. This letter should clearly state that they are infringing on your intellectual property rights and demand that they stop using your logo immediately.
  2. Contact the platform: If the logo infringement is taking place on a third-party platform, such as an online marketplace or social media site, you can contact the platform directly to report the infringement. Most platforms have processes in place for addressing intellectual property violations and will take action to remove the infringing content.
  3. Consider legal action: If the infringer does not comply with your cease and desist letter or if the infringement is causing significant harm to your brand, you may need to consider taking legal action. This could involve filing a lawsuit for trademark infringement and seeking damages for any losses you have suffered as a result of the infringement.
  4. Monitor for future infringements: It’s important to continue monitoring for logo infringements even after taking initial action. Using brand protection software like ours can help you stay on top of any potential infringements and take swift action to protect your brand against any potential threats.

Interested in Learning More?

Online brand protection software is essential for companies to safeguard their brand reputation and assets in the current digital landscape. With the rise of online counterfeiting, fake products, unauthorised sellers, and brand impersonation, organisations need robust tools to monitor and enforce their intellectual property rights across a wide range of online platforms. Brand protection services can help detect and take down counterfeit products, monitor unauthorised sellers, and prevent brand dilution through fraudulent activities. 

Whether you’re new to using online brand protection tools or curious to hear how SnapDragon logo detection software can enhance your existing service, we are always happy to talk. For full details, get in touch now or request a demo to find out more about how logo detection can transform your online brand monitoring strategy.


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