How to: Protect Your Brand on Social Media

SnapDragon - Protecting your brand IP on Social Media

How to: Protect Your Brand on Social Media

Social media networks are often at the heart of marketing strategies. They enable companies to increase their brand’s visibility and value, whilst targeting up to 3.8 billion potential consumers. Given the current context, the value of social media is growing and it is undoubtedly becoming the most important communication channel and a crucial way for brands to increase their online presence.

Brands can, and have, been utilising social media platforms to maintain and even strengthen their customer relationships, whilst respecting current social limitations. However, these platforms also expose brands to different types of infringements which can adversely affect their image. Hence the need to consider how to protect your brand when using a social media marketing strategy.

What are the different types of infringements?

Controlling content shared on social media is key to avoiding infringement. Brand misuse can create confusion among consumers as it can be difficult to differentiate between original and fraudulent content. 

More precisely, a brand can be exposed to the following types of infringements:


Trademark Infringement:

Trademark infringement occurs when someone uses a trademark without authorisation, potentially causing confusion among consumers about the source of goods or services. On social media, this can take various forms, including:

  • Impersonation: Creating fake accounts or profiles that mimic a brand’s identity to deceive users.
  • Counterfeit Products: Promoting or selling counterfeit or fake products using a brand’s trademark.
  • Trademark Dilution: Using a similar mark in a way that weakens the distinctiveness of the original trademark.
  • Cybersquatting: Registering domain names or social media handles that are identical or confusingly similar to a trademark.

The consequences of trademark infringement on social media can be severe. It can damage a brand’s reputation, lead to customer confusion, and result in financial losses. Additionally, social media platforms often have their policies against trademark infringement, and account holders may face suspension or termination if they violate these rules.


Copyright Infringement:

Copyright law protects original works of authorship, including music, literature, art, and software. When someone uses copyrighted material without permission, it’s considered infringement. Social media platforms, with their vast user base and ease of sharing, have become fertile ground for such violations.

One common form of infringement is unauthorised sharing of content. Posting someone else’s photo, video, or music without their consent is a clear violation. Even if you believe the content is publicly available, it doesn’t necessarily mean it can be freely used. Many creators explicitly state their copyright ownership and restrictions on sharing.

Another issue is the creation of derivative works without permission. This includes remixes, mashups, or memes based on copyrighted material. While fair use might protect some instances, it’s a complex legal doctrine with varying interpretations. It’s safer to assume that creating derivative works without explicit permission is an infringement.

A brand parody means deliberately highlighting the characteristics of a brand in a satirical and humorous way. Brand parodies can be created by using copyrighted content without authorisation. Some spread at an incredible speed on social media and can damage a company’s reputation.

How to Protect Your Brand on Social Media

There are a wide range of ways to protect your brand on social media.

For example, a registered trademark will help to protect your brand more easily. However, even if your trademark isn’t registered, any content you have created is protected by copyright. On social media, copyrighted content can include photos, videos, publications, and logos.

Having your account verified is also a significant way to protect your brand image so that consumers can easily recognise it as the official brand account.

If your brand falls victim to infringements on social networks, the most popular platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and X (formerly Twitter) are all equipped with a Help Centre where you can report infringements. All you have to do is fill out an online form to highlight the infringement so that the platform in question can take appropriate action.

We’ve also drafted a ‘How To’ Guide for Facebook here:

How Can Online Brand Protection Services Help?

Online brand protection software is a crucial tool for safeguarding against trademark and copyright infringement on social media. Comprehensive online brand protection solutions could include:

Real-Time Monitoring

  • 24/7 Surveillance: These platforms constantly scan social media platforms, marketplaces, and other online channels for mentions of your brand, trademarks, or copyrighted content.
  • Early Detection: By identifying potential infringements immediately, you can react swiftly to mitigate damages. 


Trademark and Copyright Infringement Detection

  • Image Recognition: Advanced software can identify unauthorised use of your brand logo, product images, or copyrighted content.
  • Keyword Monitoring: It tracks specific keywords related to your brand, products, or services to pinpoint trademark infringement.


False Advertising and Counterfeit Detection

  • Product Listing Analysis: Software can scan online marketplaces for counterfeit products using your brand name or trademarks.
    Price Monitoring: It can detect abnormally low prices, which often indicate counterfeit or unauthorised products.


Social Media Impersonation

  • Account Verification: The software can identify fake accounts impersonating your brand or executives.
  • Content Analysis: It can analyse content posted by these fake accounts to confirm impersonation.


Data Analysis and Reporting

  • Performance Metrics: These tools provide insights into the frequency and nature of infringements.
  • Trend Analysis: You can identify emerging threats and adjust your protection strategy accordingly.

Benefits of Using Online Brand Protection Software

SnapDragon - Benefits of using Online Brand Protection Software

Online brand protection software can significantly streamline your brand protection efforts.

Instead of manually scouring the internet for potential issues, this technology offers round-the-clock monitoring, instantly alerting you to any infringements or negative mentions. This frees up your team to focus on core business activities, increasing overall efficiency and productivity.

By automating the detection and response to infringements, businesses can save substantial amounts of money. Early identification of counterfeit products, trademark violations, or copyright infringement can prevent significant financial losses. Additionally, the software can help you avoid costly legal battles by providing evidence of infringement when needed.

Protecting your brand’s reputation is paramount in today’s digital landscape. Online brand protection services act as a vigilant guardian, safeguarding your brand image by identifying and addressing negative content, fake accounts, and other reputational threats promptly. By maintaining a positive online presence, you build trust with customers and strengthen brand loyalty.

Staying ahead of competitors is crucial in a competitive market. By understanding the competitive landscape, you can make informed business decisions, develop effective marketing strategies, and protect your market share.

How SnapDragon Can Help

SnapDragon offers a comprehensive suite of online brand protection tools designed to safeguard your brand on social media and other digital channels. With a focus on detection, enforcement, and investigation, we help businesses of all sizes combat counterfeit products, unauthorised sales, and wider brand exploitation.

Our platform leverages powerful AI and human expertise to monitor online channels for potential threats. By employing protection technology such as word and image search functionalities, SnapDragon can swiftly identify counterfeit products, copyright infringement, trademark violations and online scams. Once detected, these threats are categorised and prioritised, enabling businesses to focus on the most critical issues. Our social media module allows us to monitor activity across multiple social media platforms and detect any infrginements. Once identified, SnapDragon can have these fraudulent accounts removed very quickly, often with a few hours.

If you’re concerned about intellectual property infringement on social media, contact the team at SnapDragon today and request a demo


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