SnapDragon’s Unmatched Customer-Centric Agility

SnapDragon - Agility in Brand Protection

SnapDragon’s Unmatched Customer-Centric Agility

SnapDragon is a brand protection company that bucks the myth of “bigger is better.” Our unique approach emphasises speed, flexibility, and personalised client service. 

The Advantages of Smaller, Agile Teams

In an environment where market demands, technologies, and consumer preferences can shift overnight, being nimble is crucial.

  • Rapid Decision-Making: SnapDragon has fewer layers of bureaucracy, enabling lightening quick decision-making and swift implementation of changes.
  • Personalised Service: Direct interactions with decision-makers leads to more personalised service, faster response times, and higher customer satisfaction.
  • Innovation and Risk-Taking: SnapDragon fosters a culture of innovation and experimentation, enabling brands to seize new opportunities and adapt to emerging threats.

At SnapDragon, our Tech team are the champions of our agile delivery process. They are more than just developers; they are strategic partners who work closely with our clients to understand their needs and deliver innovative solutions.

Here's how our Tech team leads the way:

  • Agile Methodology: Our tech team is deeply committed to agile principles. They understand the benefits of iterative development, continuous integration, and customer feedback.
  • Technical Expertise: Our team possesses a deep understanding of the latest technologies and trends. This allows them to identify and implement the best solutions for our clients.
  • Client Collaboration: Our tech team works closely with our clients throughout the development process. They gather requirements, provide guidance, and ensure that the final product meets expectations.
  • Innovation and Experimentation: Our tech team is always looking for new ways to improve our products and services. They are encouraged to experiment with new technologies and approaches.
  • Team Leadership: Our tech team plays a key role in leading and motivating our development team. They ensure that everyone is aligned with our goals and working towards a common vision.


By taking a leading role in agile delivery, our tech team helps us to:

  • Deliver value more quickly: Our iterative approach allows us to release new features and improvements frequently.
  • Respond faster to changes: We can adapt to changing requirements and market conditions quickly.
  • Maintain a strong connection to customer needs: Our focus on customer feedback ensures that our software is always relevant and valuable
SnapDragon - Agile Delivery

What is Agile Development? Key Principles and Benefits

Sprints: The Building Blocks of Agile

Agile development is characterised by short, iterative development cycles known as sprints. This approach allows teams to release smaller, incremental updates, ensuring that they can quickly respond to customer feedback and adapt to changing requirements. By breaking down larger projects into smaller, manageable chunks, agile teams can avoid the risks associated with long, monolithic development cycles.

Customer Centricity: Putting the Customer First

In agile teams, the customer is always at the heart of the development process. Customer feedback is actively sought and incorporated into each sprint, ensuring that the final product meets the customer’s needs. Regular meetings with stakeholders help to refine user stories, features, and functionality, ensuring that the team is delivering solutions that truly solve the customer’s problems.

Collaboration and Innovation: Fostering a Creative Environment

Agile teams often work in close-knit environments that foster collaboration and innovation. Constant communication, brainstorming sessions, and experimentation allow teams to explore new ideas and find creative solutions. The agile process encourages risk-taking and quick experimentation, enabling teams to test new concepts and learn from their failures.

The Power of Experimentation: Driving Innovation

Many of SnapDragon’s most powerful features have been born from experimentation. For example, our data scientists challenged the use of cloud services and developed our own in-house machine learning algorithms for logo detection. Similarly, our Customer API was originally developed for a specific partner but has since become a valuable tool for many other clients.

By embracing these key principles, agile teams can:

  • Deliver value more quickly
  • Respond faster to changes
  • Maintain a strong connection to customer needs
  • Foster innovation and creativity
  • Reduce risk and uncertainty

SnapDragon’s success is a testament to the power of agility, innovation, and personalised service. We believe that size isn’t everything, and that small, agile teams can provide exceptional brand protection solutions.

SnapDragon's Agile Advantage in Brand Protection

Big corporations often prioritise stability over risk-taking. Innovation becomes a slower, more methodical process, usually requiring multiple approvals from various departments. By the time a new product or idea reaches the market, a more agile competitor may have already seized the opportunity. 

In smaller companies such as SnapDragon, employees often wear multiple hats, providing them with a broader range of responsibilities and opportunities to contribute to the company’s success. This kind of environment fosters a greater sense of ownership and accountability. SnapDragon’s agility, innovation, and engagement enables us to punch well above our weight and succeed in areas of brand protection where even the largest corporations struggle.

Book a 15 minute consultation including a demo of our innovative software tools.


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