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Safeguard your brand’s artistic vision: 3 steps to protect your Copyrighted Artwork on Amazon

Understanding Copyrighted Artwork and its Protection

In most countries, artwork is automatically safeguarded under copyright the moment it materialises into a physical form. Copyright protection spans various artworks, including prints, product shapes, illustrations and photography.

Thanks to international agreements such as the Berne Convention, this protection can have worldwide reach. While the duration varies, a general rule is the creator’s life plus 50 years.

Brands may use the copyright symbol © to denote the artwork’s protection, yet its absence has no bearing on the brand’s rights.

Read more about copyright at: https://www.wipo.int/copyright.

How to address Artwork infringement on Amazon

Unfortunately, brands may come across replicas of their artwork on online marketplaces such as Amazon. We recommend effectively fighting back by:

  • Providing a comprehensive description of your artwork, with creation date and ownership details.
  • Collecting proof of your work’s existence.
  • Utilising Amazon’s online report form to submit an Intellectual Property complaint.


*Submit the infringement form corresponding to the country where your artwork is infringed (e.g., UKFranceGermanySpain, etc).

**For Amazon Brand Registry members, it’s advisable to file your intellectual property complaint via the Brand Registry portal for efficient handling.

SnapDragon: Your Partner in Artwork Protection

SnapDragon helps worldwide brands protect their designs from illicit copies. Using our AI-powered software, our experienced team excels at identifying and enforcing artwork theft on Amazon and beyond. With specialization in defending brands against imitators, our team provides an extra layer of security for your brand’s creative assets.

We’ve helped brands including Olivia Von Halle, a premier London-based pyjama designer. During our collaboration, we removed over 4,300 artwork replicas of their hand-drawn prints. The removed copycats included shirts, kimonos, shorts, and menswear. Our strategy resulted in a 98% success rate. Using online price and stock numbers, we estimate this prevented millions of pounds in diverted sales for the British creator.

Original Artwork

Unauthorised Replica

Protecting your brand’s artwork is invaluable, and understanding the ins and outs of copyright laws, especially in an online marketplace like Amazon, is crucial. With expert assistance from companies like SnapDragon, artists and creators can ensure their intellectual property remains exclusive and respected. Contact us for unrivalled protection.


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